Essay On Art Therapy

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Aristotle: “Aim of Art Therapy is to present outwards appearance of things as well as inner significance.” Art Therapy or an expressive therapy is a therapy in which, through art or drawing a person expresses his feelings, emotions and thoughts. It is a process in which thinking and observation is separated. Floating thoughts of mind is called as thinking while observation is known as creation of thoughts in mind. For mentally ill patient, expressing his emotions and feelings is not very easy. So this therapy helps people with mental issues; it helps client to express his/her inner feelings and recognize his/her emotional state. In my clinical rotation to karwan-e-hayat, I was assigned to a 25 years old male patient. He was not willing to talk to anyone. Doctor had not yet diagnosed him but the symptoms represented that he is Schizophrenic. He was having auditory hallucinations. When I went to him and started my interview, he didn’t answer me initially. He was not feeling comfortable in talking to me. So I gave him a paper…show more content…
Individual achievement: Art therapy fabricates sentiment support, grandiosity and certainty. Recreation and Anxiety Reprieve: This treatment helps in diminishing anxiety and in unwinding of emotions. Empowerment or Strengthening: This therapy helps a man to express his feelings and sentiments. It also helps the patient to explore the alarming reasons behind it. As in case of my patient, his apprehension and blame was controlling his emotions but the therapy helped him to express it. Symptoms alleviation and Physical recoveries: It helps a patient to recover from physical manifestations, for example, it aides in uplift of mental functioning to recover the level of annoyance and anxieties in the view of passionate and effectual physical
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