9/11 Press For Truth Essay

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9/11 Press for Truth is an interesting and interactive documentary that really reveals and provides credible evidence about the 11 of September 2001. The American filmmaker directed the documentary. Remarkably the film used archive news footage, interviews, press conferences and newspaper clippings to document the attacks and the establishment and workings of the 9/11 commissions. Most importantly, numerous rhetorical strategies are used, in order to make of a more fluid, coherent and persuasive text. Lastly, through all the evidence provided, the documentary answer doubts that most people have asked about previously. Through the documentary, its arguments are mostly clear, rational and reasonable; logos. In first place, the Documentary provides…show more content…
Hence, the film investigates and inquire multiple doubts and questions that still are unknown, such as Why had the U.S. military defenses failed to stop any of the four hijacked planes? Why was there a lack of immediate response by the president and his secret service detail? Why did the buildings fall? The purpose if inquiring and solving these doubts made the documentary even more fluid, including efficiuently reliable sources, like archive footage, interviews, press conferences and newspaper clippings to document the attacks and the establishment and workings of the 9/11 Commission. In other words, productively the film appels efficiently to the most significant rhetorical strategies, such as ethos, pathos and logos. The director accomplished these through appealing via feeling, generating credibility among the sources and also based upon the data. On the whole, the 11 of September, 2001 attacks really has a huge impact over humanity socially, politically, culturally and economically. Afterwards, it actually revolutionized aeronautics, military, and most importantly the interests of many countries on protecting its sovereignty, stability and democratic

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