Adoption Rhetorical Analysis

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Over 400 thousand children are in foster homes in the United States. The majority of the children residing in foster homes are nonwhite however the majority of families seeking adoption are white. Transracial adoptions are defined as a family and a child of different racial or ethnic background. According to the United States Department of Health and Human Services, about fifty-two percent of children awaiting adoption are Black. On average Black children wait longer to be adopted than those who are White, Asian, or Hispanic. Legislation currently does not prohibit transracial adoption but does not support them either. Connie Childress wrote a paper called Adoptions: An issue of Love, Not Race. In her paper, she writes about her personal…show more content…
Connie uses pathos in her writing to persuade her audience. Connie vividly describes looking at her daughter with brown hair, hazel eyes, and a fair complexion so you can build your own picture of holding a child. She says several times, “I can’t imagine not having her in my life” or “I can not imagine not holding her in my arms”. This evokes the audience’s feelings as the majority of her target audience has gone through adoption or is looking into adoption longing for this connection with their own child. Connie uses choice wording. While describing foster homes where children go awaiting adoption she calls them “foster families” to show an emotion connection. She describes how children are in these foster families for years and form bonds as a family yet if they are transracial most times the families that love the children are not granted adoption of the children. Connie quotes Hilary Clinton saying that “skin color should not outweigh the more important gift of love that adoptive parents want to offer”. The effective use of the wordage in the quote is meant to gain sympathy from the…show more content…
Connie writes in her conclusion, children, and their adoptive parents should be united as a family because they have passed the background investigations and screening interviews that show they are emotionally and financially able to provide a loving and nurturing environment for the children. Connie explains that delaying adoptions due to race or ethnic background is detrimental to each child's development. Connie Urges legislation to support speedier adoptive placement for minority children in order to give them the same quality of life afforded to other adoptees. She pleads with society to protect the rights of adoptive parents by not denying trans-racial adoptions as an option for couples seeking to adopt. By providing a solution to the problem in which she describes, it brings credibility to her

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