Personal Narrative: My First Year Of High School

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As an upcoming freshman going into my first year of high school, my high school experience started off during the summer. The start of football season to be exact. Being only my second year in the small Rosendale-Brandon School District, I wasn’t sure what to expect of a freshman/sophomore team compared to what I had come to know in Fond du Lac, which developed an all freshman team, JV team, and finally varsity. Although this would be only a small part of my entire life, at the time nothing was more important than what would come of these Thursday night football games. I was not familiar with the system or how Laconia ran its football program. All I did know was that head coach, Mark Madigan, was the father of my best friend, Cormac who was…show more content…
I had helped the team prepare as the scout team free safety but was forced out of all major drills by Hady Brien, who didn’t want anyone taking his time away. We went on to cruise to another easy victory against Omro. I did learn a lot from that game though I didn’t play as much. I spent the majority of the game watching and learning from Jake Beattie and what he did at cornerback, trying to perfect his style of play. I just wanted to be like him so bad, have the spotlight, and make plays the way he did. But for now I just had to work my hardest in practice. The following week versus WLA proved to be the game that I was trying to work for. Coach had not been happy with our current free safety after a large play was allowed during Omro, but instead of moving to another play we just moved around a few people. We won the game 6-0 but almost all freshman had not played, being such a close game. Near the end of the game Coach Zimmerman put me in for two plays that game but they proved to be crucial as I had stopped a 40 yard pass to the tight end, and another pass where I assisted a teammate in stopping the pass. I had finally been given a chance to prove myself and he said I really stepped up that week and deserved to help the team. That was all I had wanted to hear coach

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