Personal Narrative

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All of a sudden, out of nowhere, I heard my name being called in a sturn, loud voice. My heart sank to my stomach, and I began to think of everything I had done wrong. “What did I do? Am I in trouble?” as these questions began to race through my mind I slowly approached my parents’ room. Peeking my head into the doorway and looking in I see my parents motioning me to come in. Dragging my feet anxiously across the cold, hard floor, waiting to see if I was in trouble, I walked into the room and sat on the perfectly made bed beside my Mom. She looked at me with sad, worried eyes, and at that moment I knew something was wrong. An uneasy feeling came over me as my dad began to call my two sister in the room. As my sisters walked in the room and…show more content…
It is pretty serious and they aren’t sure how much longer she has.” Trying to process what I had just heard, I sat on the bed confused and speechless. I felt as if I were in a dream, I just knew it couldn't be true. When I finally came to the realization of what my dad had told me, I was devastated. At that particular moment it felt like time had stopped. Tears instantly started pouring down my cheeks, and a million different thoughts and questions started running through my mind. I knew that from this moment on everything was going to change. My grandma was the person I admired and looked up to the most. She was the nicest, most compassionate person I’d ever known. She was always there to guide me in the right direction and help me make my decisions. I talked to my grandma all the time, even though she lived eight hours away. My grandma was the most important person to me, the thought of losing her was just…show more content…
Even though I was frustrated with God and didn’t understand why this was happening, I listened to what Dad had to say. For about a week I prayed everyday, multiple times a day, for God to give my grandma the strength to overcome the cancer. To my surprise we received a phone call saying that my grandma’s cancer seemed to be going away. Although, it later came back this situation made me a stronger person and taught me so much. My faith, in God, was tested when I found out that my grandma had cancer and she was probably going to die. I learned that God always has a plan even if you don’t know what it or don’t understand it. Sometimes, even though it may be difficult, you have to take a leap of faith and hope for the best. Watching my grandma deal with what she dealt with and still trying to be positive made me realize that no matter how bad things get in life you should always stay positive. Now, whenever I go through a rough time I try to find the good things in the
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