Personal Narrative

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I’ve always been unaccompanied. At least, for as long as I can remember - which isn’t so long ago. I woke up in a cave that was as dark as charcoal. It was frigid, sending goosebumps up and down my body like little spiders racing; I thought I was still dreaming, or stuck in a nightmare. I moved my arms around frantically to find something, anything that could help me. I found a sack next to my feet and starting digging around in it and upon finding a piece of flint and tinder, I lit a torch. Hundreds of flea-infested rats scurried away, leaving me alone in a state of confusion and panic. Where was I? Who was I? The amnesia started to take me over and I couldn’t remember my own name. Slowly standing to my feet, I found my way out of that…show more content…
The space was quite diminutive and the entire town seemed to be gathered there. I had recently acquired a new rash; entering into the pub, the worried faces and exclamations from the citizens screamed one thing - fear. People were running around while others were arguing with one another and starting fights. Mass chaos. Then all attention was on a man that climbed on to a table, whistling. He said something that I didn’t understand, and then it was over. Everyone calmed down and went back to their houses. I, made camp behind the pub only to awake to the sound of screaming voices and cries. I ran to the sound determined to find out what had happened. Two people laid dead in front of the crowd, large buboes and freckle like rash spread across their bodies. Job had the same symptoms. Could he have caught the Black Death? I fled the city to escape what could be my…show more content…
You can’t fix it, Bub. You spread your bad air all around the land but don’t you worry, your cycle is almost over and you’ll be gone. This time was short, but you did your damage, you’ve caused so many deaths.” I grabbed her hand with a panic asking her how I could stop all of this from happening. She explained calmly, “you can’t stop it, you can only wait for the next round and hope the casualties aren’t as high. This is it, just promise me - stay away from my granddaughter, stay away from this village,” Katherine whispered as she fell into a deep sleep that she would never awaken
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