How To Befriender In Counselling

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Helping Strategies Helping strategies are forms of helping another person. This can be a voluntary or statutory position. an example, is a befriender who would give an elderly/disabled person support like a friend does because they may no longer be able to do this themselves. Befrienders, are usually from a voluntary charity or similar organisation. In the UK, a statutory helper would be most likely found within the NHS. An example of a statutory provision would be a counsellor working within the NHS, giving 6 sessions of counselling/psychotherapy to a client referred by a GP. Egan said, ‘helping is not to “solve” problems but to help the troubled person manage them more effectively or even to transcend them by taking advantage of new possibilities…show more content…
A befriender might set a goal for the client whereas a counsellor would let the client set their own goals. A befriender may be non-judgemental but this would usually be because it was innate not trained. Whereas a counsellor would be non-judgemental because they were trained to do so. A befriender might use closed questions whereas a counsellor would often use open questions. The last difference that will be discussed is congruence and self-awareness of the counsellor. A counsellor will strive to work on themselves to be congruent and self-aware (Rogers, 1961:61) so that it will benefit the client. Rogers said, ‘We have coined the term "congruence" to try to describe this condition. By this, we mean that the feelings the therapist is experiencing are available to him, available to his awareness,’ ‘the more he is able to be the complexity of his feelings, without fear, the higher the degree of his congruence.’…show more content…
It is backed by research studies. These are usually carried out in universities by counselling psychologists and a team of students. The research used in counselling is often case studies which provide lots of qualitative data or evidence to support the skills used in counselling. This is both for the benefit of counsellor and client and the reputation of counselling itself as a whole. It gives the client peace of mind that the counsellor is trained and their training comes from a reliable source. It also provides a strong foundation for the counsellor to build from regardless of which approach they choose to follow such as Psychodynamic, Person-centred, CBT, Transactional analysis or many of the others. All counsellors and psychotherapists come from the psychology umbrella thus they speak the same language. Two therapists from two different approaches can exchange information and the meaning is not lost. They share the same foundation underpinned by the same (similar) research. References Egan, G., 2007, 2010. The Skilled Helper. 9th ed. California, USA: Brooks/Cole, Cengage Learning. 6,81. Rogers, C (1951). Client-Centered Therapy. Boston: Houghton Mifflin.

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