Perceptual Factors In Learning

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Mondal mentioned that personal factors, such as instincts and emotions, and social factors, such as cooperation and rivalry, are directly related to motivation to learn. It is a recognized fact that the various responses of the individual to various kinds of stimuli are determined by a wide variety of tendencies. Physiological stimuli pertain to how the body responds to the learning task. That means that some students are more alert at certain times of day based on whether they had eggs or chocolatey cereal for breakfast. The physiological strand covers mobility, intake, optimal time of the day, and perceptual modes. Many students need some form of muscle activity while learning but others prefer to sit passively while absorbing new information.…show more content…
These are kinesthetic, tactile, visual and auditory. Kinesthetic learners learn by doing; tactile learners are those who learn using their sense of touch an d through manipulating objects. These four perceptual modes became the subject in Lincoln and Rademacher (2006), as cited in Maligaya (2010) and Casala (2013), the research about the learning styles of adult English as a second language student in Community Colleges found out that the adult was less-visual and more of a read-write learner more so that of aural-kinesthetic. Similar to the study of Carbonel (2013), where it showed that 46% percent of the students are having desirable learning through the visual style of the learning, thirty-six (36%) percent prefer auditory learning and only 18% of them prefer the tactile style of learning. For Mondal, under this physiological elements are factors such as health, physical development, nutrition, visual and physical defects. It is generally recognized that ill health retards physical and motor development and malnutrition interferes with…show more content…
It tackles two types of learners whether they are analytic or global. Analytic learners are good with numbers while global learners prefer to see the big picture. For Pop (2016), psychological factors refer to thoughts, feelings and other cognitive characteristics that affect the attitude, behavior, and functions of the human mind. These factors can influence how a person thinks and later affect his decisions and relations in his daily life. Also, he defined psychological factors as learning strategy whereas everyone has their own preference for a strategy to learn and study. Some prefer to make a summary while others highlight or underline important text and read the same text several times. Walters (1998), as cited in Hijazi and Naqvi (2006) alleged that measuring students' academic performance is challenging as it a product of socio-economic, psychological and environmental factors. She noted that high school students' level of performance is with statistically significant differences link to their gender, grade level, school location, student type, and socio-economic

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