Perception In Intrapersonal Behavior

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“Change the way you look at things and the things you look at change.” -Wayne W .Dayer Perception is the concept of interpretation of the messages to provide order and meaning to the environment. Among the most important perceptions that influence organizational behaviour are the perceptions that organizational members have of each other. It comes into the life in day to day activities. Lots of people have their own perception regarding an activity or object. It is the organization, identification, and interpretation of information in order to represent…show more content…
Men and women have different perceptions of their roles, their abilities and different opinions about their colleagues and superiors abilities. This plays a big role in determining their roles in an organization. Women perceive men are better in certain business aspects and behave accordingly. This reinforces perception! Women perceive men to have better political and organizational abilities, while they perceive themselves to be better than men in intuition. Females have a better perception of boss’s intelligence than men. All these influence the intrapersonal relations in the workplace. Gender bias and sexual harassment are burning issues that plague all organizations today. What constitutes sexual harassment and what does not is widely influenced by perception. Macabe and Hardman conducted a survey in Australia on sexual harassment and found that white-collar workers perceive and report sexual harassment more than blue-collar ones. The survey found that in white-collar organizations, most women experience sexual harassment. While men were more tolerant than women, women who had experienced it were most likely to report it. In blue-collar organizations, the type of harassment and the people most likely to report it were same but there were no gender differences as far as sexual harassment is…show more content…
People who have a hostile mindset sometimes exhibit improper information processing because of bias towards certain personality. These biases are most powerful when the person feels a self directed threat. Hostile participants rate fewer interactions as positive and find their interactions to be laden with anger. They also tend to remember negative interactions longer and this contributes towards a negative and hostile perception towards some people. The experiment also suggests that if the perception of self relevance of negative interactions can be reduced, then misanthropic beliefs can also be reduced. In a globalised world, bias is an impediment towards effective functioning of the organization and people. Bias towards or against a person stems from people’s perception of them as insiders or outsiders. These biases become stronger when the groups are perceived to be natural. E.g. Hindu, Muslim, Jew, Christian etc. Along with it, people also perceive themselves and want themselves to be perceived as fair minded. In order to harmonize these contradictory perceptions, Henri Tajfel suggested the compromise hypothesis. This hypothesis was tested using a set of experiments which confirmed the same, but also allowed some new

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