Achievement Motivational Camp

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1.0 INTRODUCTION This group assignment is about the Achievement Motivation Training Approach in which we have decided to conduct a motivational camp, which is “UPSR Motivational Camp (Zero to Hero)”. This is a program that will be carried out specifically for Year 6 students who are going to sit for Ujian Penilaian Sekolah Rendah (UPSR), which will be conducted by EDU 5016 Motivation in Education class students. This program is used as incentive to prepare students toward betterment and own development as well as mainly focusing on UPSR that is equally important apart from other public examinations in Malaysia. This program involves famous speakers such as excellent teachers and experienced examiners to deliver the lecture, as well as conducting…show more content…
For them, when they can speak well in a language they can score because according to student’s perception, Bahasa Malaysia questions will be easy during the exam. Therefore, the students won’t put much effort on this paper. We have come up with an activity for them to improve in their essays to give them a huge of awareness about the importance of “tatabahasa” which is grammar. For the planned activity, each student will be given 10 different formats of essay that essay will be in the styles of the formal, informal, reports and other formats. Then, the students are required to analyze those formats, the structure, the grammar and the vocabulary used. They also have to analyze the strengths and weaknesses from each essay given. Based on Bernard Weiner’s Attribution theory, the Causal attribution theory is applied in this activity because as it prompted that affecting responses to success and failure. For example, the students will feel excited to figure out the mistakes in the essay given and after they have analyzed they will be praised by the motivator and therefore they will gain pride for their achievements made, this indirectly will enhance the student’s motivation. This session will be handled by, Hue Chi Yin, Afifah Bt. Hasan, Nur Shuhada Bt.…show more content…
Students at the age of 12 need fun learning in order to absorb things faster as exercising is fun and as important as learning. Moreover, it will also reduce the students’ stress due to academic learning. The team believes in this activity it can help them to reduce their pressure as well. So in this recreation activity, we will divide the students into 10 groups. The students will play tug of war in a river. By playing this game, no students will feel left behind due to lack of confidence in sport and appearance because all will be treated equally. So Fathimath Naifa, Renee Chelveraj, Siti Hajar Fazlina and Rosnita Bt. Hashim will manage this activity. The theory lies behind this activity is Abraham Maslow’s theory of needs which is applied effectively in this activity as the physiological need which is the survival can be identified. The students need to be cooperative to ensure that they will complete the challenge to win and the team‘s leader will also have to manage and encouraging his group by leading them to complete the challenge given. Then the second need, which is the students, will work hard to ensure they complete the challenge before being punished to become the last team to complete the challenge. After that, the third need, which is the need of Belongingness, is implemented when the students listen to the team leader and the team leader will also

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