Health Promotion Theories

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A theory is defined as a set of principles on which the practice of an activity is based on (Oxford Dictionary 2018). Theories are sets of definitions, concepts and intentions that explain or predict occurrences. In turn, theories are used to plan, implement and evaluate programs. Theories basically present a systematic way of understanding different and wide-ranging situations. They are, by nature, intellectual, and they lack specific content. Therefore, theories are able to be used in several different situations. You can look at a theory like an empty fish bowl. In order to make it habitable for the fish you need water, food and plants. When talking about theory, you still need the goals, topics and problems. Theory is especially important…show more content…
These disciplines can include psychology, sociology and anthropology (Glanz, Rimer, & Lewis, 2002). Theories in health education and promotion are often called theoretical frameworks or models. Effective and relevant health education, health promotion, and chronic disease management programs have a mission to help people maintain and improve health, reduce disease risks, and manage chronic ailments. (Glanz, et. al., 2002). These programs strive to improve the well-being of individuals, families, and communities. Usually, such successes require a behavior change in the target population as well. Furthermore, not all health programs are equally successful. The programs that are most likely to succeed and get desired outcomes truly have a clear understanding of their targeted health behaviors and the environmental settings in which they transpire. Also, strategic planning models to develop and manage the programs, and continual improvement of them is important. Health behavior theory can play a critical role throughout the program planning process. Theory helps the program planner to take a step back and evaluate the bigger picture. The application of theory as a basis for program planning and development is consistent with the importance of using evidence-based interventions for medical and public health interventions. Theory provides a clear track for studying complications, developing suitable…show more content…
This is an oral health intervention for low-income African American men. The was the target population for this intervention because this group, as found in 2016 by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, are among the most disadvantaged in respect to oral health care and access (Hoffman, et. al. 2017). It was important to have a culturally appropriate health education program in order to improve oral health knowledge. The goal of the intervention was to design a program that would increase awareness and risk perception associated with promoting improved oral self-care. (Hoffman, et. al. 2017). The Health Belief Model was used to reach participants on an intrapersonal level and to cover perceived susceptibility and severity as an African American man. Statistical data was given to the participants to increase their knowledge and also provided were educational handouts, lectures and oral exams. The use of the Health Belief Model was crucial in this program, as it is found that if an individual perceives they are susceptible to a condition or disease they will most likely take action to avoid it. (Glanz, et. al

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