Pain Assessment In Nursing

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This section presents the results of the study based on the sequence by which the research questions were raised. The profile of the respondents is presented first followed by the results and discussion. Respondents’ profile A total of one hundred and forty-three respondents (one hundred and one practicing nurses and forty two nursing students) were served the questionnaire and completed it, giving a response rate of 100%. Almost all the respondents were females in both categories (Table 1). The age ranged from 18 to 54 years and the mean age of the nursing students was 24.72+3.39 years while for the registered nurses their mean age was 34.59+8.72 years. The registration experience and the unit experience for the registered nurses were 10.19+9.76…show more content…
During their education and professional development, 75.2% and 57.1% of the registered nurses and nursing students respectively have been taught “Pain physiology mechanisms”, a statistically significant difference (p=0.027). And although for all the topics, more of the registered nurses have been educated in the selected pain assessment and management topics than the nursing students (Table 5). Generally less of the respondents have received education on “Practice recommendations and…show more content…
This could again be as a result of their “incomplete” basic nursing education status as at time of this research study. Introducing pain general pain management guidelines and making pain assessment a priority in pain education will go a long way in enabling the effective assessment and management of pain. It is of particular importance to note that more than half of our respondents have not read any pain assessment and management guideline for critically ill patients, including the registered nurses, this shows an important lapse in the educational curriculum of the nursing departments of tertiary institutions in

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