Vital Signs In Nursing

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CONCEPT 3 VITAL SIGNS This concept is taken from module 2 titled vital signs assessment techniques Vital signs are observation made by nursing staff it is an act of assessing circulatory, respiratory and endocrine body functions it include temperature pulse, respiratory rate blood pressure oxygen saturation and pain Temperature is hotness or coldness of body as compared with standard scale it the normal temperature is 36.8 to 37.2 It can vary with different condition like during menstruation or ovulating Can vary with time of the day or route as which it was taken it is usually measure with thermometer and there are different types of thermometer types of thermometer Pulse rate; it is wave OF distention and elongating felt in arterial…show more content…
Pain it is a subjective symptom at it depends on individual ability to withstand pain i.e. Pain threshold pain can be acute, chrome, idiophone 3.1 personal context Personally the ability of a nurse to do accurate vital signs to a patient or client visit to health facility is very important and goes a long way is saving patient life and prevention of preventable complication Knowledge of a nurse to differentiate normal respiratory pattern from abnormal pattern help us to recognise dyspnea tachypnea, bradypnoea, or chyne stroke respiration 3.2 social context Knowledge of normal and abnormal vital signs help a nurse to identify patient that need urgent attention from those that can be attended to later in case of disaster management or mass casualty there by meaningful and efficient service is provided and the organization goal of best health provider will be met 3.3 Application to current…show more content…
Personally nursing process in an important tool of nursing care use individual client care, help nurses to have common languages and be able to communicate with others member of health teams in an understandable common language It creates standard for nursing practice, it also give room to re assess patient for unachievable goal and make necessary adjustment in caring for patient 4.2 social context Socially nursing process us beneficial for both patient, relation and all member of health team because an achievable or non-achievable goal is communicated to all member of health team that are involve in a particular patient’s care, the patient and relation are involved in the care and by doing this patient is able to regain her health and also back in her environment and continue her normal social life or adjust to identify needs to charge some attitude 4.3 Application to current job As a practicing bed side nurse nursing process help me in caring for my patient identify and individual care, prioritize and make meaningful contribution especially during ward round to review patient’s condition, it is also help me to be more familiar with my patient and relation among nurses we are able to provide continuous patient care that is goal
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