Vitamin C Lab Report

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1. Title: Determination of Vitamin C concentration in water relative to temperature variations. 2. Introduction Vitamin C or in other terms ascorbic acid or ascorbate is a substance which is soluble in water. It is found in a varying concentrations in vegetables and fruits. Vitamin C is a vital nutrient for human constitution, however it cannot be produced by humans on the contrary to animals with few exceptions. So, humans need in certain amounts of Vitamin C in their daily diet. Vitamin C is an organic compound which helps fight diseases for human beings. It prevents cancer and is remarkably a key for human nourishment and for proper working of the body. Reports have demonstrated that utilization of food rich in vitamin C protects the human…show more content…
Evaluation and Conclusion Being a very unbalanced vitamin, Vitamin C can easily be altered. It is observed in both the raw and cooked vegetables samples analyzed in varying proportions. The percentage loss of vitamin C at different cooking temperatures is observed to be in the order depicted below: At 30°C Carrot >Green Pepper= Zucchini> Green peas> Spinach At 45°C Carrot > Zucchini> Green Pepper> Green peas > Spinach At 60°C Green Pepper> Zucchini> Spinach > Green peas > Carrot It is very interesting that Carrot is a loser at temperatures 30°C and 45°C, it is the winner at temperatures 60°C with the least loss. This result contradicts with the argument that denaturation of vitamin C due to cooking temperatures depends on its availability in the vegetable. This implies that denaturation of vitamin C needs further scientific researches. The net conclusion from my experiment is that, for high preservation of vitamin C while cooking it is recommended that the vegetables be cooked in low temperature with minimum amount of

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