Self Care Case Study

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TUNG WAH COLLEGE Bachelor of Health Science (Hons) NUR 3013 Care of People with Non-Communicable Disease III 2015-2016 Semester 1 Written Assignment Name: NGAN Lai Yin Student No: 14001983 Date: 20/11/2015 Case Study 1 Problem Deficient knowledge about self-care Evidence Mrs. Chan feel anxious and worried about if she can regain her mobility. Also, she hope to gain more information regarding self-care upon discharge. Goal Mrs. Chan can demonstrate sufficient self-care ability and show reduced anxiety Interventions with rationale (R indicate rationale) 1. Perform pain assessment and educate patient methods (e.g. regular rest, distraction and relaxation technique) to relieve pain as well as discuss with her…show more content…
Discuss with patient schedule of rest and daily exercise. R: To make a balance between rest and exercise as well as maintain a functional hip joint and strengthen the hip muscle. (Smeltzer et al., 2014) 7. Educate patient about signs of potential complications and report immediately. Signs of prosthesis loosening: e.g. increased pain, shortening of leg Signs of wound infection: e.g. swelling and purulent discharge. R: To have early identification of complications and receive treatment. (Smeltzer et al., 2014) 8. Refer occupational therapist to assess home environment for any physical barriers. R: Help remove the physical barriers and facilitate rehabilitation. (Smeltzer et al., 2014) 9. Remind patient about the date of having follow-up. R: To observe the wound condition after removal of stitches and assess any signs of complications. (Smeltzer et al., 2014) Evaluation Assess patient understanding of self-care ability and level of anxiety. Patient should demonstrate adequate understanding of self-care ability and reduced anxiety level. If patient still feel anxious and doesn’t show adequate self-care understanding, we need to have re-assessment and have deeper explanation of self-care…show more content…
Ensure patient to have bed rest. R: Help to decrease ICP. (Smeltzer et al., 2014) 2. Monitor vital signs including BP, HR, RR and SpO2 and perform neurological assessment every 15 minutes to every 1 hour. Rationale:  High systolic BP and Low diastolic BP may indicate increased ICP  Decrease SpO2 may lead to cerebral ischemia  GCS in the neurological assessment can have a quick assessment of patient’s level of consciousness and the potential of increasing ICP (Smeltzer et al., 2014) 3. Any activity (e.g. rotation of head vigorously, Valsalva maneuver) that having potential to increase ICP must be avoided. R: these activity may compress the jugular veins and hence increase the ICP. (Smeltzer et al., 2014) 4. Patient’s head of bed should be elevated to around 30 degrees R: Facilitate discharge of venous drainage. (Smeltzer et al., 2014) 5. Provide patient a comfortable and quiet environment (e.g. dim light and no noise) with the least of stimulants R: Promote calming effect which can help reduce ICP. (Smeltzer et al., 2014) 6. Provide seizure precaution (Smeltzer et al., 2014) Evaluation Patient cerebral tissue perfusion will be improved and decreased

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