Nurse Bedside Report Essay

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Bedside shift report Research shows that when the patient is involved in their treatment it can lead to a measurable improvement is safety and quality. Communication between the patient, family and the health care provider is the key component of high quality, safe care and the base of good relationship between the patient and the health care provider. What are the advantages and disadvantages of bedside report? What does HIPPA says about it? Nurse bedside report refers to conducting nursing shift changes at the patient’s bedside to talk about the patient care, and it gives a chance for the patient to meet the new nurse, for the family to get involved, the patient to ask questions, for the nurse to conduct a verbal SBAR report with patient and family, using terms that they can understand, to review some tasks that need to be done, and to identify…show more content…
According to bedside shift reports (vol.44, 2014): Advantages Disadvantages Patient is able to voice concerns and questions. Patient privacy. Plan interventions and set goals with nursing team, patient safety. Patient hearing about unknown diagnosis. Able to meet oncoming nurse. Patient’s anxiety may be increased. Increase patient safety. Patient tired of hearing a similar report given Allows oncoming nurse to visualize the patient. Timing consuming (for any questions that a patient or family have). Ownership and accountability. Patient is asleep Less time giving/receiving report. What does HIPPA says about bedside shift report? Nurses should be concerned about violating HIPPA, especially when the patient is in semi privative rooms and with family present. According to the literature bedside shift report is part of treatment and does not violate HIPPA. Health information can only be disclosed for treatment. HIPPA recognize that incidental disclosures might occur, the nurse responsibility is to ensure to make reasonable efforts to safeguard patient

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