Out Of This Furnace Analysis

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In his novel, Out of This Furnace, Thomas Bell uses a direct commentary to show the theme of Immigration and Americanization throughout the story. Bell writes about the lives of a three generation family who were immigrants and had to endure working in the steel mills. The nature of immigration to America for most immigrants was to make money and to make a better life for themselves and their families. When coming to America, the only job opportunities available to immigrants were factory and mill jobs. The life of a mill worker was not a luxurious life and Bell makes this obvious to the reader thought the lives of George Kracha and Mike Dobrejcak. The immigrant workers show a story of little success and more failure due to biases of American…show more content…
Starting with Kracha, who brought his family to America from Hungry, was just like every other immigrant who came to America. He wanted a better life, more money and a better opportunity. But since there were so many immigrants he got stuck in the steel mill until a great opportunity came for him to buy and run his own butcher shop. Everything went downhill for him when his wife died, he lost all of his money, land and house and was forced to work back at the steel mill. His daughter, Mary, married Mike Dobrejcak who followed close to Kracha life during his life. He came to America for the same reasons every immigrant had. He got a job in the still mill and that’s where he stayed until he was killed while working. Unlike Kracha, Mike never got an opportunity to try to have better job and live the American Dream. Bell showed all the struggles that immigrants had to go though directly throughout the book just with examples, like the immigrants suffered while workeing the most hours for the least amount of money. Their living conditions were poor, and they would barely have enough money and time to do anything but work, eat, and

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