Egyptian Mummies Analysis

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Your Name: Ayanesh Kumar Title of Paper: Analysis of Egyptian Mummies Here is the main focus of my writing: To discuss the application of a variety of techniques in studying ancient Egyptian mummies. Here are the points I’m trying to make with my analysis and evidence: Archaeological scope is limitless and you can always learn more by using more techniques and different samples Here’s what I’m happy with at this point: I am happy with the theme. Here’s what I’m struggling with an/or would like your help with: (Or—here are questions or concerns I have): I am not sure if I am doing the citations right and if my overall overview is concise, constructive and lucid. Studying future in the past: Studies in Egyptian Mummies Since the…show more content…
The gas chromatograph utilizes columns that differentiate molecules in a mixture based on multiple dimensions like length, diameter, film thickness etc. The molecules are retained by and eluted from the column at different times allowing the mass spectrometer to detect the ionized molecules separately by breaking each molecule into fragments and detecting them using their mass-to-charge ratio. High-performance liquid chromatography(HPLC) is a technique used to identify and quantify each component in a mixture. It involves pumping a pressurized liquid solvent containing the mixture through a column filled with a solid adsorbent material. Each component in the sample interacts slightly differently with the adsorbent material, causing different flow rates for the different components and leading to the separation of the components as they flow out the column. Computed tomography is an imaging procedure that uses special x-ray equipment to create detailed pictures of areas inside the body. Radiology is the most commonly used non-destructive technique in archaeology. It first came into use with X-rays in mummy research (Koenig, 1896), only a few months after William Ro¨ntgen discovered X-rays in 1895. Radiology helps evaluate skeletal maturity and development, and the age at death. It helps confirm the sex of the mummy and…show more content…
In 1897, an Egyptian mummy was donated to the Tasmanian Museum and Art Gallery. The style of the outer coffin dates it to the Ptolemaic periods around 500-300BC with the name “Ankhes” and funerary prayer dedicated to Osiris. When subjected to X-ray examination(1983) only one skeleton was present and no epiphyses were seen. Overall structure is straight, but the vertebral column, thoracic cage and limb girdles seemed to have been damaged. A displaced sacrum in relation to iliac bones shows fracturing of crests. Sex of skeleton could not be determined due to severe pelvic deformity. Height was estimated to be 175cm. Judging from the coronal structure, it was deduced that the age of dead may have been over 30 years with a height estimation of 175cm. The absence of Harris’s lines in long bones indicate healthy childhood but arterial calcification indicates otherwise raising etiological issues. The study concludes with the importance radiography in archaeology in providing such detailed unique information on ancient artifacts without the need for an invasive

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