Mineral Lab Report

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MINERALS INTRODUCTION: Minerals are very important for the preservation and conservation of better health and the avoidance of many health diseases. In this assignment, we are understanding the methods of determination of calcium, iron, selenium, magnesium, potassium and zinc in our food. Minerals Types: Minerals are as follows: Minerals (which are Major) Major minerals are those which our body requires more than 100mg per day. Examples: Magnesium. Potassium. Phosphorus. Calcium. Sodium. Chloride. Minerals (which are Minor) Minor minerals are those which our body requires less than 100mg per day. Examples: Fluoride. Chromium. Copper. Iodine. Zinc. Iron. Manganese. Determination Method for Contents of ASH: The content of ash…show more content…
Collection of a suitable container rests on the sample is being examined and the heater (Bhatti) temperature used. The utmost commonly used containers are obtained and formed from porcelain since it is fairly low-costed to buying, can bear up to higher temperatures (more than1200oC) and are relaxed and easily to clean. Porcelain containers are unaffected to acids but can be oxidized by basic samples, and consequently different kinds of container we should use to examine this kind of sample. Moreover, porcelain containers are susceptible to get cracks and be broken if they are exposed to experience quick temperature variations. Many dry ashing techniques have been formally familiar for the computation of the ash content of numerous foods (Methods of Analysis like AOAC Official). Characteristically, a sample is held at 500-600 oC for 24…show more content…
It seizes up and eradicates the carbon-based (means organic) medium neighboring the minerals so that they are to be in an aqueous solution. A dehydrated crushed food sample is generally weighed into a flask comprising strong acids and oxidizing agents (e.g., nitric or sulfuric acids) and then left heated. Heating is pushed on until the carbon-based substance is totally consumed, parting only the mineral oxides in solution. Characteristically, a consumption takes from 10 min to a several few hours at temperatures of around 350oC. The follow-on solution can then be examined for particular

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