Compare And Contrast Ottoman And Mughal Empires

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During Europe’s Age of Exploration, Muslim Empires were in control of the Middle East, and the South Asian subcontinent, they brought a great amount of stability to a region that had been in chaos and upheaval for many centuries (pg. 450). Two of the main Muslim Empires during this time were the Ottoman Empire, and the Mughal Empire (pg. 450). Both of these Dynasties were very successful, the Ottomans got control of much of Europe, while the Mughals were very dominant in India. Unfortunately both of these Empires suffered through economic, and financial problems as well as others due to things such as ineffective rulers, and empty treasuries. In the late 13th century, a group of Turkish men under the tribal leader Osman, began to gather power in part of the Anatolian peninsula, and continued on to take over much of Europe (pg. 451). They created the Osmanli dynasty (which later came to be known as the Ottoman dynasty) (pg. 451), as they advanced into Western Asia and Africa the Ottomans became a dominant…show more content…
464). The Mughals were the first since the Mauryan dynasty, to have the entire subcontinent under a single government (pg. 464). While the Mughals were under the reign of Akbar, it was a time of peace and prosperity, because of this and the political stability commerce, and manufacturing thrived. Goods, textiles, and more were exported for gold and silver (pg. 466). Towards the end of the Mughal reign, in the 18th century the Mughal power was put into jeopardy by inside forces as well as outside forces (pg. 469). The Mughal Empire began to fall, mainly because of the empty imperial treasury, and because of the incompetent Mughal rulers (pg. 470). By the 18th century the Europeans began to take over the regional trade routes and began to impose themselves into the government (pg.

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