Organisational Motivation Theory

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Introduction Teacher’s organizational commitment has been recognized as an effective route to school success.organisational climate as a person’s feeling with regard to continuing his or her association with the organization, acceptance of the values and goals of organization achieve such goals and values.organisational commitment is a bond the employees has with his/her organization. Most employers today would like to have their employee’s motivated and ready to work, but do not understand what truly motivates a person. Companies could be more efficient if the employees had an invested interest in the future of the company. There are essential needs to be met for a person, specifically an employee, to succeed in the workplace. I will examine…show more content…
Each theory is related in the fact that there are needs for all people to meet. Every employee is at a different stage in their lives, which requires different management techniques. It is shown that motivation must come from within the employee. The theories investigated will help describe how managers can influence their employees to self motivate and produce the best work possible. There are two specific types of motivation: financial and non-financial. I will focus on ways the employers can motivate their employees using financial means as well as non-financial recognitions. In this day in time, there is not always a plentiful amount of money to spend on motivation, so it is important to understand how managers can make their employees feel important without breaking the bank. Both types need to be executed in a strategic way to provide the best results. Lastly, I will focus on how managers are able to implement these types of motivation into their specific work place. This will show how motivation is important to all industries, and how it can change and impact the amount sales a company performs. Motivated employees will in turn create a…show more content…
Questionnaire on employment motivation 2. Organizational Commitment Scale (1-7 Likert Scale) Statistical techniques used  Mean  Standard deviation  t-test Sampling In the present study the investigator used stratified random sampling technique for the selection of the sample. TESTING OF THE HYPOTHESES It is clear from the table 65% of secondary school teachers showed a moderate level of Organizational commitment and 69% of them showed moderate level of Work motivation Table 1 level of teacher effectiveness and teacher adjustment among secondary school teachers Variables Low Moderate High Total No % No % No % No % Organizational commitment 61 20.3 196 65.3 43 14.3 300 100 Work motivation 53 17.7 207 69 40 13.3 300 100 From table 2 there was significant difference between private and government school in their extend of Organizational commitment. The private teachers showed higher level of Organizational commitment than the government school secondary teachers. Table 2 Difference between private and government teachers in their extend of teacher
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