Examples Of Organic Advertising

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This research paper aims to find out how organic markets can advertise products to senior high students or the next generation of consumers in order to compete with the conventional market. The research makes use of a survey to find factors regarding organic products from senior high students around Metro Manila. The research makes use of the AIDA model in forming the questions for the survey. The data gathered was used in order to see which factors organic advertising should focus on and where should advertising take place. With these factors the researchers concluded that the advertisements should be showing less info on the term “organic” and more info on what makes the product advertised organic, also that the best medium…show more content…
St. Elmo Lewis in 1898. The model discussed the ideal process of marketing being Attention, Interest, Desire and Action. These steps co-exist in a way where without one the advertising plan would fall apart and fail. The first step attention aims to grab the attention of a consumer through advertising in order to create awareness for the product. The second step is interest, once attention has been taken by the product the consumer becomes interested in the product. The third step is desire, once the consumer becomes interested he/she acquires a want/desire for the product. The final step is Action, after the consumer gains a desire they will have an intent to purchase the product. Basically advertising stimulates the consumer and the consumer responds with a decision to purchase the product, the AIDA model is also considered a stimulus-response model because of this (Rytewiki, n.d.). The model has weaknesses now with modern sales practices in place. For example it cannot fully explain each sales process or adress consumer emotion (Rytewiki, n.d). The model guides you through a process in how to successfully market a product but does not state what factors you need in order to do so for a desired…show more content…
The willingness of a consumer to purchase different kinds of organic products, regardless of price, taste, age and ingredients is seen in this article. And also measured the WTP of products with high organic content. Pearson et al (2010) gives basic background data on organic food and organic consumers. And tries to understand the complexity of organic food consumers. The article also states the factors of why people buy or not buy organic products. Most of the literature used for this study contain almost the same findings when it comes to consumer preference and mentality, They all stated how taste and health benefits affect the preference of consumers. But none of these articles never really dwelled into what the organic market was really lacking. What the articles gave are just basic info about the organic market and its consumers. The article will be used in order to further understand why consumers choose organic products. This source is a very in-depth article that talks about the WTP of organic consumers for organic products on different levels of organic content. This source talks about the environment and relationship of both organic consumer and conventional consumer with the organic market which provided adequate amount of data about the organic consumers and how their choices affect the organic

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