Organic Farming Proposal

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Organic farming is a rapidly expanding economic sector and makes an important contribution to human health, the health of the economy, and the health of the planet. The evidence is clear about the success of organic farming in terms of human health, prosperity, the benefits to soil and water, to birds and bees, and the ability of organic farming to mitigate damage from global climate change (Jackson & Noordwijk, 2010). Furthermore, one of the most dynamic and rapidly-growing sectors of the global food industry is Organic agriculture (Ellis, Panyakul, Vildozo, & Kasterine, 2006). Several approaches to sustainable agriculture is organic farming because of its commercial viability, and it may provide solutions to the current problems in conventional…show more content…
There is need to develop criteria and methods for quantitative assessment of sustainable use of soil and water resources. To do this is to: (i) identify soil and water indicators of sustainability, (ii) establish quantitative relationships between soil and water indicators and soil-modifying degradative processes on the one hand and the productivity on the other, (iii) define critical limits of soil and water indicators in relation to threshold values beyond which productivity decline is severe and rapid, and beyond which soil and water resources are degraded to the point of no return, (iv) establish indices of soil sustainability and soil quality, and (v) develop standardized methods for assessment of soil indicators (Lal,…show more content…
Sustainable agriculture involves the successful management of agricultural resources to satisfy human needs while maintaining or enhancing environmental quality and conserving natural resources for future generations. Sustainability can be defined as meeting the need of the present without compromising the ability of future generations. MacRae (1990) stated that sustainable agriculture systems rely more on crop rotation, crop residues, animal manures, legumes, green manures, off-farm organic waste, appropriate mechanized cultivation or minimal tillage to optimize soil biological control activities and thereby maintain soil fertility and crop fertility and crop productivity. Improvement in agricultural sustainability requires, alongside effective water and crop management, the optimal use and management of soil fertility and soil physical properties. Both rely on soil biodiversity and soil biological processes. Sustainable agriculture consists of five major attributes: it conserves resources (e.g. land, water, etc), and it is environmentally non-degrading, technically appropriate, and economically and socially acceptable (FAO, 2008). In practice, sustainable agriculture uses fewer external off-farm inputs

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