My Special Day

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Oh that special day, how I love that special day. The day I refer to is the day I proposed to my beautiful wife, Thana. It’s been a whole year since that special day, and I can still recall the events as if it were yesterday. I intended to propose during dinner. I got down on one knee and proposed. Her response had initially took me by surprise. However, in the end I was able to tie the knot, knock her head over heels, and steal her heart. Since that special day, we have grown madly in love. Surprisingly no one knows about our relationship. We decided to keep the marriage secret, and truthfully, we've secluded ourselves from all outsiders. I know people would have negative emotions about our marriage, so I decided it was best to run from…show more content…
As I half-heartedly begin to rise from the bed, I see her... my beautiful Thana. She's laid an arm's length away from me, but I can feel her love radiating from within. As I lean in to kiss my sleeping wife, I suddenly stop. That horrendous smell, has worsened this week. It is so putrid that makes me wonder how any living being could so smell so terrible. "I've had enough." I angrily think to myself. I'm going to fix this once and for all. "Thana, wake up!" She remains silent. “Thana, I ask again that you wake up this instant!" I shout, as my anger rapidly grows. Again, she makes not even a peep. This is when I lunge at her body and begin violently shake her. "Damn it Thana wake up!" I shout with pure rage. She remains silent. I begin to examine her in disgust. This is when I realize my grave mistake. The body which had angried me so, was not Thana. I mean this body was once home to her spirit, but now it was home to something far sinister. This was no longer the body of my beautiful Thana, rather it was the body of a decayed corpse. "hahaHaHaHAHAHA!!" I begin laughing…show more content…
Boy does she look beautiful. She has blonde hair, radiant blue eyes, and she’s wear a sequin dress. I don’t deserve her. Although I’m having the best meal I’ve ever tasted, sitting across from the love of my life, I have a terrible gut feeling. It’s a feeling of being watched, except this "watcher" had a demonic essence to it. I brush it off as a feeling of nervousness, for I was to propose tonight. “Thana, there’s something I have to say”. She looks up with an intrigued expression. “These last 10 months have been a blessing and I want this to last for the rest of my life.” I quickly drop to my knee. “Thana, will you marry me?” She looks at me in confusion, she then bitterly says “No". As I hear this word leave from her lips, I am startled. "Wh...what did you say?" I ask. "I said no, why would you think I would ever marry you? These past 10 months have been nothing but me using you. Thanks for the offer, but please get up, you’re embarrassing me." Said Thana. This of course, infuriated me. Filled with rage, I made a realization. That demonic spirit talked about earlier, was me… I fully embraced this wicked spirit and lunged for the attack. I grabbed the steak knife off the table, and let’s just say.. I literally stole her heart. Upon seeing her lifeless body, I was overjoyed. This meant she would be mine, always and
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