Open University Case Study

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1. INTRODUCTION 1.1 BACKGROUND TO THE RESEARCH The concept of Open Universities is considered as a worldwide resounding success. The enrollment scales sometimes reach figures beyond imagination, that terms like mega, large, medium or small are used for classifications purposes. The Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU) tops the list with a student population of around 4 million, outstripping closely the Turkish Anadolu University (2 million students). Other major players in the field are: the University of South Africa (UNISA, 300,000) or the UK Open University (250,000 including 19,000 from overseas). These figures just underpin the staggering growth rate in the sector assessed today to more or less $ 91 billion, and is relied upon…show more content…
Put into this perspective, the Open University's multi‐media approach to teaching has been judged one of the most important innovations ever in the global educational system. Open learning allows individuals to learn in their own place and time and at their own pace, and to learn quickly away from work and in a way that relates them to their work or self-advancement. Open distance learning is particularly relevant for adult learners who may be in full time employment and who may wish to upgrade the knowledge and skills. There is some flexibility in terms of duration of programmes. There is a minimum and a maximum (TEC,…show more content…
Three of its main objectives are: to advance and disseminate learning and knowledge through a diversity of means, with emphasis on Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), provide wider opportunities for education and training to the population, through open and distance learning, and promote lifelong learning and encourage the use of open and distance learning at all levels of education and training through collaboration, optimal use of existing resources and good practices. Under Section 7(2) of the Act, provision is made to admit to any course of study or research any person who does not possess the prescribed academic qualifications or standard or prior experiential learning (Mauritius Assembly,

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