Importance Of Leadership

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Leadership contains various aspects that need to be develop through time and experiences. Firstly, leadership is about thinking for a change, change something better than before. I have learned it deeper when I participated on leadership training which explored about one type of leadership characters by John C. Maxwell. For instance, when I was Christmas eve chief in my church four years ago, I had been accomplished to influence other crews to came on time when attended regular meetings, broke the former poor habit. Secondly, leadership is about be positive with other people which I have learned in training dare to be leader when I was one of the Djarum scholars. For example, during a period of my bachelor degree, I was the coordinator of psychology…show more content…
I chose to continue my social entrepreneur job in insurance industry to have flexible time and gain fund resource effectively. I will continue to create creative programmes to support my colleagues and team work effectively. Moreover, I can build a business community as a leader in my insurance career, to influence not only other entrepreneurs but also society. I will dedicate my focuss on the three steps of mental revolution awareness programmes. Firstly, in the first semester, it is related with knowledge share. I will use online social media to share the tips and information that can help people to optimize their work. For instance a topic about self introspection to deal with job competencies and formulate a goal setting. I also share my knowledge through seminar in my former university as a guest lecturer to fulfill my former teacher request. The awareness programme can use the crowd in Sunday Morning Market at City’s Car Free Day. Open a booth and give people who pass by with brochure that attract people attention. Secondly, for the second semester, it is about immediate action. The popular observe, imitate, and modify method will be the basic guidance for people to start make a little change to their work field. For instance, give an alternative organisation culture point to force better behaviour first, and along with time, it will change into a positive habit. Finally, for the long term, it is about maintenance and continual improvement. It needs cooperate with several institutions to work on a programme in enormous scale. For instance, held a competition or fair or even build a psychology bureau to construct mental health revolution awareness programme to be an icon or policy. Since a couple years ago, Indonesia became global market and with ASEAN Economic Society, Indonesian workers and entrepreneurs need to be prepare both for
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