Failure In Education

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Introduction We are born to live. We are born to face the world. We are born to enjoy the world. We are born to earn a living. We are born to make money. We are born to have a job. We are born to learn. As a matter of fact, learning is a part of our daily life. It is acquired through experiences. It is acquired through situations we unexpectedly encounter. It is also acquired through education. Unfortunately, students are not acquiring the amount of learning they are supposed to. They study, pass their exam, and earn a degree; however, they face problems when they start working. In other words, they believe it’s a matter of certification, and do not recognize that, in fact, it’s a matter of learning! Statement of the Problem The purpose…show more content…
Corrigan (2013), an Associate Professor of English at Southeastern University, concluded that the majority of students do not go to college to learn. Nonetheless, there are causes behind their careless behavior which we usually view as disappointing. Consequently, in order for them to be able to change their motivations and objectives, teachers have to understand their problems and fix them through some modifications. Cown (2004), a designer who use IA (Information Architecture) to make sciences accessible, originated the idea of improving the learning outcomes by making the learning objectives focus on the student and learning instead of the teacher and teaching methods. In other words, the instructor may define what the students will be able to do instead of what method he/she will use to teach or what materials he/she will…show more content…
They believed that theory and practice should be linked together to yield a lucrative outcome. Methods of the Study A survey was conducted at Notre Dame University (NDU) – Main Campus – in order to collect the primary data. Questionnaires for instructors and students were distributed and filled in by a sample of 30 instructors and 100 students from all the faculties. Each questionnaire consists of 15 questions of different types (open-ended questions, close-ended questions, and semi close-ended questions) reflecting whether students at NDU are capable of implementing what they have learned or not. The collected information was later analyzed and interpreted. Limitations of the Study The study may be limited by three major constraints. First, the study data collection instrument is a questionnaire, which is usually brief, missing some required information to be collected. Second, the sample selected to fill in the survey may not represent the total population of NDU members. Third, the analysis and interpretation of the data may be subjective to some extent. However, all attempts have been made to reduce the effects of such limitations on the
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