Literature Review On Plagiarism

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Literature Review Fatima () mentioned that the study of plagiarism in form of cheating at Howard University was explored by Owuwwanne et al (2010). The study investigated what specifically students think about cheating and the proportion of misconduct of various types by the institution’s students. The research was conducted through survey methodology which was designed to address the ease of use of information, importance of group projects and the influence of professional working environment on students. The results of this finding according to the author suggested that the team leaders’ view reflect the view of general student body of the institution. However, the results also point out that team leaders are engaging in academic misconduct,…show more content…
On category of level of plagiarism extent and their sources, in contrast to Fatima () about 90% of students in Northern Nigerian University copied from the internet for plagiarism; 85% shared with others; 56% copied from students; and less than 50% copied from textbook and/or printed sources as oppose the high percentage of 62.61% of students at Howard University plagiarised from printed sources (Fatima). Lastly on the category of students’ views about the punishment for plagiarism, the result showed statistically that 10% strongly agreed while 19% not strongly agreed the punishment is fair; 29% of the students were neutral to the punishment. On the other hand, 30% of the students not strongly disagreed while 12% strongly disagreed with such…show more content…
The study was undertaken in the faculty of Applied Sciences, comprising of 139 students from the faculty. The authors employed questionnaire with the total of 21 questions, in which nineteen are closed while the other two are open questions with the objective to establish why students plagiarise, likewise the reasons why students face difficulties when writing assignments and why not referencing properly. Therefore the questions was categorised into four sections namely, students’ demographic data; awareness of students on what plagiarism entails and sources of their plagiarism; causes of plagiarism; and students’ policies at the higher institution of learning. According to the author, brief introduction of the study to the students participated was done prior the study began, outlining clearly the study’s objectives and the students were asked not to disclose any of their identification in order to increase the validity of the study. Thereafter the data collected from 139 participants were firstly entered into Microsoft Excel 2007 spread sheet and manually checked for accuracy, this then imported into statistical package for social science (SPSS) software for proper and accurate

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