Analysis Of Thriving In The Robot Workplace By Alexandra Levit

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In the article “Thriving in the Robot Workplace”, the issue that is brought up by the author, Alexandra Levit is people fear that their job might soon be taken over by the robots. Even worse, the robots might do something more than what the humans are capable of that the humans will not have any profession that they can be good at and in addition, the robots could hurt humans. The author argues that he supports the idea of the interaction between humans and robots at workplace or even in the humans’ daily activities. The overall article reflects bias language portrays the tone of the author of optimistic and encouraging which to convince workers such as doctors, manufacturers, teachers and other professions that there are also benefits from the interaction. From the passage II, can infer that even though the artificial intelligence is currently growing widespread, they still cannot take entirely over humans’ jobs.…show more content…
Through text analysis or facial expression recognition, a program on her laptop could identify the high level of emotion, understand what is about to happen, and warn her to take a breather before she sends something she will regret. The example shows how emotional computing and software programs are aware of our moods and intentions and are able to respond accordingly. The author also mentions an expert to support his argument which is Richard Yonck, executive director and analyst for Intelligent Future Consulting and author of the forthcoming book “Heart of the Machine: Our Future in a World of Artificial Emotional Intelligence. The supporting detail is relevant to the argument as it portrays the benefit of the robots, thus supporting her

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