Old Spice Commercial Analysis

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Old Spice is a prominent American brand of male grooming products. Old Spice has over 75 years of experience helping guys improve their mansmells with deodorant, body wash, antiperspirant, hair, and fragrances. This Old Spice commercial is narrated by Isaiah Mustafa, otherwise known as the man your man could smell like. He was originally an NFL practice wide-receiver before his acting debut. This commercial first aired right before the 2010 Superbowl, and ended up going viral. It became so popular that it ended up gaining more Youtube views than the video of Obama’s 2008 election speech within the first 24 hours of their postings. In addition, since the release of the commercial, there has been a 300% increase in traffic to the Old Spice website, and Old Spice now has the most viewed sponsored Youtube channel. This ad is intended towards teenage to middle-aged men. Not only does it get the attention of males, but also females. As the commercial begins, Isaiah specifically addresses the women. He addresses women appealing to their desire to make their man more attractive. However, he’s actually targeting insecure men who want to be more attractive and wanted by women. Isaiah Mustafa is shirtless so the audience can focus on his physical appearance. They use an African-American male to reinforce the cool, sexy, and hip characteristics.…show more content…
Tall, well-built, and handsome. He reinforces the credibility of the body wash by implying that anyone who uses this product will be as attractive as he is. The video, also shows the diamonds coming out from the palm of the narrator’s hand which hints that the narrator is rich. In addition, the scene with the tickets also portray the narrator as having both money and the ability to get anything a woman could want. This emphasizes his credibility as the perfect man. In this case, one would be a perfect man through enticing looks and smells, just as Isaiah

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