Old Spice

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Old Spice employs an intensive distribution strategy. Customers can find a large variety of its products in many stores ranging from massive retailers all the way down to local convenience stores. In fact, Old Spice tries to place its product in almost every place that a customer would potentially look for grooming supplies. Besides physical stores, Old Spice has developed many online channels such as Procter & Gamble’s E-store and the websites of its retail partners in order to more effectively reach potential customers. However, both physical stores and online channels have their plusses and minuses. In physical stores, buyers can pick up and try out a product before buying it. In addition, customers are able to immediately enjoy products…show more content…
As a result, customers may choose products from its competitors instead of Old Spice. However, this also comes with the possibility to win over new customers from other brands. Online channels usually offer more sales and discounts than physical stores. In addition, reviews on websites act as references for consumers to use in order to make purchasing decisions. Nevertheless, consumers cannot try products on website until they buy them. Therefore, there is more risk that the customer may not actually like the item after they buy it. Also, it will take few days or ever longer for people to actually receive the products. By using both traditional channels as well as online sales, Old Spice reaches the most potential customers. By employing both methods, the brand actually mitigates the risks associated with each of the strategies, as consumers can pick which method they want to use in order to…show more content…
This included launching a number of products that appealed to a younger demographic, especially in the 18 to 24 year old age range. Their unique advertising campaigns including Isaiah Mustafa and Terry Crews have resulted in Old Spice gaining significant market share within the last two years. When first released, these commercials were so popular that many people wanted an “encore” video. These advertisements proved to be so popular with consumers, that Old Spice continued producing them for several years. Typically, the ads target men between 18 and 24 years old, citing that fragrances are particularly important to this age group. The advertisements imply that a good smelling deodorant eliminates the need to wear cologne and good male grooming correlates to being more attractive. Old Spice’s advertisements impact almost every market they target. Some of their videos appeal to women claiming that Old Spice products will give their man the qualities that women look for. Other videos are targeted to men claiming that you must wear Old Spice products in order to be a real man (or smell like one at least). Their first commercial aired during the 2010 Super Bowl, and it generated a huge response. Since then, they have produced many more funny and entertaining commercials in order to hook the consumer into buying their

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