Oj Simpson Case

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Introduction The murder case of Orenthal James Simpson or officially known as the People of the California state versus O.J. Simpson, was a crime trial performed in the California Superior Court in the county of Los Angeles that lasted from the confirmation of the primary jury on November 2, 1994, the opening statements that happened on January 24, 1995 and the judgment that was given on October 3, 1995. Former actor and American football star O.J. Simpson was sentenced on two murder counts after the deaths of ex-wife Nicole Brown Simpson and her friend named Ronald Goldman. “The O.J. Simpson trial is considered as the most controversial trial in American criminal history” (Texas Highway Patrol Association Magazine, 2001). Murders of the…show more content…
This was held to determine if Simpson deserves to have a trial which was considered by defense lawyers as minor victory since they were allowed to have access to the evidence presented by the prosecution team which is a completely contrast to a grand jury arrangement. After 7 day court inquiry, the judge of the California Superior Court Kathleen Powell ruled that there was enough evidence to perform a trial for the twin murders. Simpson pleaded “not guilty” during his arraignment. The preliminary hearing of the case started at the Criminal Courts Building of Los Angeles. Investigations related to the murder were headed by long-time detective of the LAPD named Tom Lange. In the year 1995, the trial of Simpson was shown on television that lasted for 134 days. The prosecution panel choose life sentence instead of death penalty. Trial’s long exposure to the television coverage made the personalities turn like celebrities. Marcia Clark, a deputy district attorney was appointed as the lead prosecutor of the trial and considered it as her 21st trial about murder during her task for thirteen years at the deputy attorney’s office. Christopher Darden was assigned as co-counsel of Marcia Clark who is very experienced in trials associated with murder. Verdict On the third of October in 1995, the jury voted not guilty in favor of O.J. Simpson. The only reviewed testimonies was that of the driver of the limo named Alan Park who testified that he had no sights of the Ford Bronco of Simpson around Rockingham estate after the twin murders. Almost 100 million people globally had listened or watched about the verdict that resulted to a total lost productivity of $480 million in the US alone. The Role of Race in the

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