Civil War: Advantages Of The South

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Civil War and the not used advantages of the South The civil war was the deadliest war in American history, taking the lives of approximately 600,000 soldiers; so many people had to die just for a conflict over a particular style of life of some individuals. The Southern states depended upon the agriculture that their slaves worked for, including cotton production. When Abraham Lincoln became named President in 1860, his opposition of slavery was seen as a threat to the economic interests of most Southern states. The South responded by seceding from the union and founding the Confederate States of America in 1861. The first state to secede was South Carolina, on December 20, 1860. Mississippi, Florida, Alabama, Georgia, and Louisiana followed…show more content…
On January 13th, 1862 President Lincoln wrote, “I state my general idea of the war to be that we have greater numbers, and the enemy has the greater facility of concentrating forces upon points of collision; that we must fail, unless we can find some way if making our advantage an over – match for his; and that this can only be done by menacing him with superior forces at different points, at the same time; so that we can safely attack one, or both, if he makes no changes; and if he weakens one strengthen the other, forbear to attack the strengthened one, but seize, and hold the weakened one, gaining so much.” (Lincoln, 1861). Obviously, with this letter President Lincoln realized and accepted the advantages of the southern enemy, nevertheless Lincoln had the mindset to…show more content…
So to say the South had this psychological advantage, all the fighting men, no matter that it was a private, sergeant or an officer, all of them had the feeling of pride in them. Everyone in the Confederate military, have been involved in this fight on their home turf. Fighting on home turf, to fight for what is your own, to fight for the place where you come from. The confidence and moral eventually have been higher in the Southern troops than it was in the Union army. The Union military fighting, against the South, not knowing the area, far away from home, and of course not on home turf, sooner or later a demoralizing factor for the fighting troops. With this in mind, advantages or not in the end the Union won the bloodiest conflict in American history. The Union won, because the utilization of the resources has been different from the South. For the reason being that the Northern States has been industrial States, the Union could make more money than the South. With this money, eventually, the North was able to obtain a larger amount of weapons and supplies than the Confederates. As well the better supply of the troops was a winning factor. In the manner of my thinking, the deciding winning factor in the end of the war was the use of the so called revised Anaconda Plan. The Anaconda Plan was the Union’s strategic plan to defeat the
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