Chicano Movement Analysis

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A human rights movement is a social movement related to the issues of human rights that . A human rights movement can includes protesting injustices such as: slavery, racism, apartheid, patriarchy, and other forms of oppression. Numerous human rights movements go unnoticed, eventually succumbing to the forces that consume them; others reach their ultimate goal and change the world forever. The effectiveness of movements are based solely on the tactics and approaches of the leaders of that movement. For instance, sSome leaders choose violent approaches, while others partake in pacifist methods. The strategies of an activists from any movement are essential to the success of the movement. Many human rights leaders select their strategies based…show more content…
They were segregated from White people, and forced to use lower quality facilities and restaurants. Social and political issues, such as violence, police brutality, and not having the right to vote plagued the Southeastern U.S. and fueled the movement. With help from monumental leaders such as Martin Luther King Jr., Malcom X, John Lewis, and Hosea Williams, African American activists used specific tactics to make advancements in the fight for equal rights. Overall, the approaches and tactics facilitated by leaders throughout the Chicano human rights movement and the African-American civil rights movement were imperative to the effectiveness of these movements. The Chicano movement was one of the human rights movements that affected the lives of Mexican Americans. Like other movements promoting civil rights, El Movimiento enlightened society to the inhumane discriminations Mexican Americans faced in the United States. The movement addressed the rights of farmworkers, as they worked in very harsh conditions. For instance, they worked in extreme temperatures, performing arduous tasks, and were exposed to hazordous with…show more content…
This strike was the first labor protest endorsed by the United Farm Workers (UFW) to obtain higher pay for labor workers. The strike was carried over by farm workers as well as students and other young activists, and was led by Cesar Chavezs and Dolores Huerta. Chavez and Huerta spearheadedThese activists launched a long strike against Delano grapes and table grapes, vastlyhugely affecting the success of the grape companies. The strike lasted five years until the United Farm Workers signed a contract between them and Delano grape growers, obtaining their final goal. Chicana feminists also played a great role in Mexican American’s fight against inequality. Many were angered by the issues occurring after the Treaty of Hidalgo.; Americans had labeled them immigrants on land that they had rightfully owned. The land grant struggle was another issue confronted by the Chicano movement. Some activists used exposure in the media to address this problem; Miner wrote, “In northern New Mexico, Chicana feminists such as Betita Martínez and Enriqueta Longeaux y Vásquez produced El Grito del Norte, a newspaper in solidarity with the land grant struggle”

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