Plato Socrates Three Parts

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In book IV, section 436a to 441c of Plato’s Republic, Socrates argues that the soul is formed from three parts. In this essay I will present Socrates position on the composition of the soul, state his reasoning, and support through critical analysis Socrates position. Socrates position is that the soul is composed of three parts, which consist of reason, appetite, and spirit (emotion). The reasoning component is the rational part which measures and thinks, and the appetite is the irrational component which lusts and desires. The last element is the spirit which essentially governs the appetites. These three components of the soul lead to justice and therefore, through balance of these, a just man who works towards utilitarianism, the good for the greater number is formed. Socrates concludes that the soul and city have the same three levels which lead to justice (1992, 436a-441c).…show more content…
As humans, we may desire something, but may resist our desires. Therefore, he suggests that it is logical to assume that the soul has to be composed of at least two parts. These two components are the extremes because the individual can be rational or irrational in their decision. This then suggests that there must be a third component, the spirit, which acts as the controlling force that balances the extremes and forms a just manP2. Consequently, Socrates comes to the conclusion that the soul is composed of three components and if the spirit component is able to maintain balance between the rational and irrational parts, it forms a just man
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