Comparing Death In Bhagavad Gita And Gilgamesh

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Saji Ijiyemi,a famous author, once wrote, “I am not worried about dying, what I am worried about is not living”. Since the beginning of time, humans have been caught up in the idea of death. Evolution and the creation of the human being has primarily been driven by the ability to avoid death. Any person, at one point, has contemplated what their own death might entail and this idea usually causes great grief and stress. Some who have contemplated their own death have even tried to avoid it whether it be through science or religion. Yet, death has remained constant throughout time. It has been shown over and over that the quest to avoid death is a pointless one. Throughout the literary pieces of both the Bhagavad Gita and Gilgamesh, the…show more content…
Once again, he must go on a long, hard journey to find Urshanabi,who is the only immortal human, in hopes of finding the secret to immortality. When he reachs Urshanabi, Urshanabi once agains explains that death is inevitable and its part of nature. He tells Gilgamesh, “They day of death is set , though not made known”(64). Gilgamesh once again ingnores what he said about the inevitablity of death and questions how Urshanabi got his immortality. After telling his story, Urshanabi develops a test so Gilgamesh can prove he is worthy of immortality. Gilgamesh immdeatly fails Urshanabi's test to stay awake for a week. Once again showing that Gilgamesh cannot acquire immortality and will die eventually just like he feel asleep when he was trying to stay awake. In this test, sleep is simply an analogy for death; Gilgamesh could not resist sleep. Gilgamesh soon describes death as an impeding doom saying, “Death is in my Chamber When I Sleep; and death is there wherever I set foot”(77). Yet he still thinks he can escape it and when Utnaphism tells him of the plant called How-The-Old-Man-Once-Again-Becomes-a-Young-Man, Gilgamesh is immediately sucked in to attaining it and descends into the water to find it. Once again after getting the chance for immortality,

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