Wounded Warrior Project Paper

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The Wounded Warrior Project is an organization designed to help military veterans, active duty soldiers, and family members who were hurt during or after September 11, 2001, mentally or physically, rebuild their lives. The organization was founded in 2003 by a group of veterans with the specific interest towards injured service men and women. Additionally, the organization has several different programs designed to help wounded warriors transition into the civilian lifestyle as well. Not all wounded warriors are alike and the Wounded Warrior Project recognizes that and elects to have many options that a wounded warrior can choose from, whether it is the mind, body, economic empowerment, or engagement programs. The organization provides grants to other 501(c) (3) nonprofit organizations that have the same…show more content…
The Wounded Warriors Project offers the wounded warrior the opportunity to continue to participate in sports and fitness, along with learning about nutrition and wellness. It will always be beneficial to be healthy. Being active can help reduce stress and the different fitness programs the organization designed can also help with depression that many wounded warriors suffer from. When a warrior is wounded in combat, they become demotivated and want to be alone. The sports activities can help a wounded warrior deal with the emotional stress of an injury by showing them they can still do fun activities with an injury. Fitness programs are helpful for setting goals and adding more motivation back into a wounded warrior’s life. Nutrition and fitness will always be very important in the recovery process of a wounded warrior. The Wounded Warrior projects wellness program is all about making sure the wounded warrior has an overall wellness plan that leads to a healthy

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