Sociological Imagination Essay

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The radical piece ‘The Sociological Imagination’ was written as a sociological insight into the public and private affairs in regards to societal reality in modern times and regarding ones place in history. “Neither the life of an individual nor the history of a society can be understood without understanding both” , from creator, Mills, details how in order to understand and evaluate the life of an individual, one must understand the personal troubles of the milieu and the public issues of the societal structure equally, as each reflect on the other and their behaviour. This concept is further explored within The Promise, chapter one of The Sociological Imagination, written by C. Wright Mills, where the idea of private troubles and public…show more content…
Obesity is one large and concerning issue that has foundered itself upon individuals in each country and continent within the world. According to the World Health Organisation, “in 2014, more than 1.9 billion adults …were overweight. Of these over 600 million were obese” . With this statistic in the modern world, it is clear that this is a contemporary issue concerning the people of the world. Viewing this matter without the sociological imagination envisions being overweight as a personal trouble relating to the individual’s dietary and exercise habits and genetic…show more content…
The state of mind that the sociological imagination possesses allows people to look beyond private troubles of individuals, to the wider structural issues that arise to public issues. Obesity can be looked at in a micro and macro level as obesity affects the entire population whether it be a direct link due to being obese, or knowing someone who is, or even contributing tax funds to support these people. The private troubles associated with obesity primarily relate to financial status, convenience and accessibility of unhealthy fast foods. On the other side of the spectrum, healthy foods are expensive, often difficult to prepare and access to these foods are
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