Nursing Career Research Paper

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As a young girl I always knew I wanted to be a nurse. When I was about six my brother was diagnosed with a brain tumor. Seeing how he and the nurses interacted,was one of the most beautiful things I have ever seen. It was amazing how even on his worst day they brought a smile to his face that would light up the whole room. This is when I realized I wanted to be able to do the same thing for people. Being able to see how supportive,kind,caring,and helpful the nurses were and how much they cared was phenomenal. Seeing the joy they brought to my brother and how helpful they were for him and our family. Made me realize that at the most tragic point in my life not know if my brother was going to be okay,and not fully understanding what was going on was the time I found what my future career was going to be. Being able to see and slightly experience what it was like to be a nurse at an early age allowed me throughout my entire life to think and research what I was like to be a nurse and make sure this was the career I wanted to choose. I knew this was the career of…show more content…
Although I am currently in my first year at BOCES.I do believe this is going to be the foundation for my nursing career. After completing my first year of the IHOC program I then will go onto my second year. After my second year I am hoping to go to collage. Although I currently do not know exactly what collage I want to go to I do have several ideas. After choosing my collage I will then have to spend a few years at collage to get my degrees. After I get the degrees I need I hope to begin my future. I hope to have a supportive boyfriend that will push me to do my best throughout this long journey. I hope to one day get married and start a family and buy my own how while doing nursing as a profession. Im not exactly sure if it all will happen this way but all I do know is I will be a nurse one day no matter what it

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