Bedside Rounding Report

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Change in nursing practice In the healthcare facility there are many things that can benefit from change. Bedside rounding with the inclusion of the entire care team would be a beneficial change to any healthcare facility. By doing bedside rounding it promotes patient and family involvement in the exchange of information and planning of their care. This also allows for the interdisciplinary team to be completely involved rather than picking up bits and pieces of information throughout the day from multiple different people. This is also a great opportunity for the patient and their family to ask questions with the entire care team available for answers. Current nursing practice As it is a report is given at the nurses station, conference…show more content…
a singular joint message regarding the plan and goals of care is communicated to the patient and family with clarity and uniformity, minimizing confusion between the physician and nursing team. This is a jointly derived plan of care where nursing input is sought and received. Questions are also jointly addressed, and the patient?s anticipated schedule for the day is delineated. Participation of the patient and the patient?s family is sought and encouraged.? (Rimmerman, 2013) Cleveland Clinic performed a pilot rounding project implementing bedside reporting to include the entire care team. The goal of this pilot was to provide a better outcome for the patient. It was found that by utilizing bedside rounding that there was better communication through the entire care team that led to a better outcome for the patient and increased patient satisfaction. The process was accepted well throughout the care team. The only issue that they ran into was that at times the nurse was busy with another patient at the time of rounds and was unable to attend. The article states that this happened in a minority of circumstances. The study found that bedside rounding made it easier for the entire team to feel comfortable with communicating with each other. It also led to less phone calls giving the nurse more time at the patient bedside. This article was very thorough in relaying the turn out of this pilot project and the patient…show more content…
First off you point out why it is urgent that this change takes place. In this case it would be less delay in the care of the patient. Convince the right people that this change is necessary for shorter hospital stays and to decrease cost. This is when you would start including all of the key stakeholders in the change and work on getting them on involved. Build a team and make sure there are no weak areas within your proposal or your team. Then you will need to develop a vision change. Make sure to point out the importance of why this change will benefit the organization and how it will benefit the patients. Have a strategy in place to help implement the change, such as some sample schedules and what type of education will be needed for all of the providers in order to get everyone on the same page. Also, you need to have a speech prepared that you and your team all agree on. Now you communicate your proposed change. This is where you give your speech, talk about the concerns others might have while being completely open and honest about all pros and cons. This is the moment to show them how the change will benefit overall in the end. Discuss the obstacles and what would need to be done to remove the obstacles. Are there nurse managers that refuse to support the change, are there physicians that need further education on the new policies or are there nurses refusing to cooperate, stating they are too busy. Removing these barriers

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