Non Dynamic Assessment

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2.5. Dynamic and Non Dynamic Assessment (NDA) According to Sternberg and Grigorenko (2002), DA and NDA are different in three ways. As to assessment goals, NDA focuses on products which are the result of preexisting skills. In terms of assessment administration, in non-dynamic paradigm the examiners are not allowed to receive feedback from examiner to test-taker regarding quality of performance during the test procedure. Finally, regarding the examiner’s orientation in NDA, it is important that the examiner be as neutral and as uninvolved as possible toward the examinee. From these three angles, there is a sharp difference between DA and NDA. In DA view, there is no need to assess content and abilities that learners have already…show more content…
Pragmatic competence is one of the main components of models proposed for communicative competence. Among several multicomponential models of communicative language ability (reviewed in Purpura, 2008), three proposals include pragmatic ability as one of their components: Canale Swain’s (1980) original framework of communicative competence for language teaching and testing, Bachman’s model of communicative language ability (Bachman 1990; in later versions, Bachman and Palmer’s model of language ability, 1996, 2010), and Purpura’s (2004) theoretical model of language…show more content…
Empirical research on Computerized Dynamic Assessment (CDA) Guthke and Beckmann (2000, as cited in Pohner & Lantolf, 2013) developed the first Computerized mediation naming ‘Lerntest’ (learning test). The test included a series of prompts designed to evaluate various cognitive abilities, including language aptitude. Those items for which a learner does not receive any tutorial were interpreted to reflect a learner’s zone of actual development (independent performance) and those items that lead the learner to the correct response were assumed to form a learners’ ZPD. Jacobs (2001) described a computer software program known as KIDTALK that assesses pre-school children’s language aptitude. The program begins with video featuring puppets that introduce features of an invented language (‘kidtalk’). The matter of tailoring mediation to learners is taken up in the CDA approach devised by Tzuriel and Shamir (2002) devised a CDA approach that tailor mediation to learners. These authors, working in the domain of cognitive psychology, tried to assess young children’s seriational thinking abilities, believed to be central to success in learning mathematics. As to interventionist model, if learners can not respond correctly to a series of tasks, graduated hints are provided that are arranged from implicit (‘try again’) to explicit. According to Tzuriel and Shamir (2002), the procedure present a deep understanding of learner abilities and creates more learning opportunities
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