Brave New World Analysis

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The novel Brave New World by Aldous Huxley is about his fears of what the world and mankind would turn into. The main character Bernard, an Alpha Plus who has always been seen as odd, struggles to accept the life the World State’s government hsa created for everyone. Bernard endures Huxley’s vision of a dark world filled with clones, a strict class system, false happiness through drugs, and “artificial” being an accurate description of everything. The people created in labs for efficiency are each heavily influenced in their development to see things in a certain way and to not have any true opinions or emotions they can create for themselves. As a result, they are urged to take a drug called soma to always be happy, they constantly need…show more content…
With the invention, non stop further development and obsession over phones, television and video games, it’s incredibly common for people today to feel as though they can’t survive if they’re bored. While thinking about a vacation she was invited to, Lenina says to herself “The trouble was that she knew the North Pole, had been there… and… found it pretty grim. Nothing to do, and the hotel too hopelessly old-fashioned -- no television laid on in the bathrooms, no scent organ, only the most putrid synthetic music, and not more than 25 Escalator Squash courts for over 200 guests.”(Huxley87). This quote shows how in Brave New World, technology advances and the mentally developed with how the government sculpted peoples’ lives hsa caused them to always need the newest type of entertainment. “A new Nielsen Company audience report reveals that adults in the United States devoted about 10 hours and 39 minutes each day to consuming media” ( The obsession over being part of an electronic, virtual world has only begun, and it has already drained so much valuable…show more content…
Children in Brave New World are created in labs and all their opinions, weaknesses and classes are predetermined without them having any choice or aspirations in their lives. While talking about Lenina’s 4 month relationship with “only” one man, Fran says “‘But seriously,’ she said,’ I really do think you ought to be careful. It’s such horribly bad form to go on and on like this with 1 man” (Huxley41) Social lives already differ now from those in the 30s. “Basically a new survey by has revealed that the average relationship is now much shorter - it only lasts an average of 2 years and 9 months”( Love is still an incredibly meaningful concept today, however relationship involvement and dating views have changed since Huxley’s
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