Doritos Super Bowl

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Effectiveness Typically a marketing campaign is created, tested with targeted audiences, evaluated, and released in wider markets. With consumer-generated advertising (CGA) the consumer is creating the marketing material and releasing it in real time. There are cases where CGAs have not proven successful; in the 2006 Chevy Tahoe CGA campaign although it maintained strict guidelines and templates, found that most of the result were negative towards the brand (Lawrence, Fournier, & Brunel, 2012). However; in the wake of the failed Chevy campaign companies have embraced CGAs, with one of the most successful being “crash the Super Bowl” by Doritos. Now in the tenth and final year the company has offered a grand prize to this year’s winner, the…show more content…
However, there are apparent shortcomings of both campaigns explained in the later section of this paper. In particular, the “crash the Super bowl” contest lacks a mobile engagement experience and public advertisement outside of social media outlets. A recommendation to fix this issue is to create a mobile application for smart phones, months before the Super Bowl that allows people to monitor the contest and get access to the viewings to early entries. Moreover, the application could utilize the power of smart phones, and allow users to create their own advertisement video straight through the application. For example, the user could be supplied with all the essential tools needed to create a 30 second video like minor editing tools and trademarked product logos. This strategy will allow people to create an idea for a video advertisement and immediately share their creations to social media websites. Not only does this strategy create submissions for the contest, but it also creates more traffic towards Doritos products and creates a better sense of product recognition for any user. This application furthers the target population because it will give the ability for people to create a submission even if they didn’t have professional video editing or computer skills required to create a featured commercials. Regardless if the submissions…show more content…
It seems odd that a snack company has involved its marketing campaign with a prominent social issue. Doritos runs the risk of inflicting social and political opinions on everyday consumers, especially since in a technological age, information transfers happen rapidly across social media sites. Consequently, this can cause adverse effects for the company, mainly by dividing its target population, to strictly people who support the opinions imposed in the campaign and the people who do not support the cause. Moreover, there is potential for members of the LGBT community to take offense to the marketing ploy, since Doritos is trivializing the concerns of the movement in order to sell more products and to further their product recognition. It becomes difficult to determine the sincerity behind a multimillion-dollar snack company’s involvement in a prominent social movement. Therefore, it is recommended that food companies, in particular, Doritos remove its campaign form sensitive social issues in society, and refer to its more effective advertisement campaign that involve senseless humour to bring product recognition. The rainbow campaign raises ethical questions; for instance, if Doritos supports LGBT social movement will they support other prominent social movements in the future? Where do they stop and how do they choose

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