Nature Park Case Study

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1. Introduction NParks, also known as National Parks Board is responsible for maintaining and enhancing the greenery in Singapore. Besides building and enhancing the greenery in Singapore, Nparks is also in charge of Community in Bloom, Community in Nature projects and is the lead agency in nature conservation. With that being said, one of the four known nature reserves under NParks’ care is located in the northwest part of the main island of Singapore. This nature reserve is Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserve. However, in the 19th century, the majority of the original mangroves were cleared for the sole purpose of prawn farming. Luckily in 1986, the Singapore Branch of Malayan Nature Society recognized the diversity of birds present in the reserve and decided to conserve the area for its rich bird life. However, it was known to be a Nature Park when it first established in 1993 but was gazetted to Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserve to better suit its name. With the help of various experts and the local community, Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserve gradually improved and expanded; from the size of 87 hectares to 202 hectares today.…show more content…
The organizational structure in Sungei Buloh are as follows: the Director in charge, Mr How Choon Beng, followed by the Deputy Director Ms Yang Shu Fen, Senior Manager Mr Mendis Tan, Managers Ms Chua Yen Kheng and Mr Lim Hann Yaw, Senior Officers of Conservation and Outreach management, and finally Officers and Assistant Officers as well. The organizational chart can be seen from Appendix A, Figure
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