Persuasive Essay For Study Abroad

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There are many reasons that led me to deciding to enroll in this particular study abroad program for AC 490 – The Language of Business: Past & Present, topics in accounting. This will be my first time traveling abroad and I did not want to make a semester long commitment making this ten-day course abroad a perfect opportunity. This course fits in well with the remaining accounting I need to take leading up to graduation in May 2019. I know that if I am going to study abroad this would be the best time to do so before senior year arrives right around the corner. Studying abroad was originally never something I had planned on doing until around one year ago. After attending many School of Business SPA sessions, and Business Boot Camp in 2015…show more content…
It has been very interesting to see how different yet how same they tend to operate. It will be very interesting to see how they operate in person once we visit the different businesses that London has to offer. Lastly, what better way is there to get three credit hours than from traveling and exploring a new country? I plan to sit for the CPA exam soon after graduation so I am attempting to crunch in as many credits as I can so that I can accumulate the necessary 150 credits to be eligible for the exam. From taking extra courses at community college and being a full time student while working a part time job I know this course abroad will be a huge academic help. I do realize that studying abroad is a very expensive financially, however, the cost of this program is a lot cheaper than it would be if I were to plan my own ten day trip to London. From buying my own flight tickets, to finding a place to stay, paying for transportation, and all meals and activities I would want to do I know I would be looking around $5,000 plus. If I were to go on a vacation to London with my family for example, I know that I would not want to branch out and meet new people as I will have to do by traveling with

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