Persuasive Essay On National Park

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I first became fascinated with national parks when I got to visit the boundary waters as a kid for a school trip. It contained 1,090,000-acres of wilderness within the Superior National Forest located in northeastern Minnesota. It’s by and large one of my most vividly clear memories of my childhood. We did numerous activities ranging from canoeing to simply strolling through the forest. Being surrounded by nature, I immediately became overwhelmed with this sense of peace of being in the center of land; untouched by human hands. A land that seemed completely unaware of what’s going on in the rest of the world. Never really being able to forget this, I always looked back on this memory contemplating on if I’ll ever get to see it again. High school comes along and we have a national park segment in our geography class, quickly covering all the benefits of the conservative model, from protecting the ecosystem to the economy benefiting from the money…show more content…
I’m sure you understand that national parks are considered to be the epitome of biodiversity conservation. Currently we have only over 12 percent of land surface in the form of national parks and nature reserves. This is the only source of secure ecosystem we have in this entire planet. The benefits provided by these natural ecosystems in these protected areas range from providing food security, regular clean water, carbon sequestration, and to some degree a wealth of cultural and spiritual services. I’m sure you’ve heard it on the news or noticed it firsthand that many animal species today face extinction. The main reason for this being that we’re destroying, and steadily destroying their natural habitats. National parks help protect these areas by providing a safe space for wildlife to breed and survive. Just imagine, without these services endangered animals are put at an even more risk certain to become

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