Audi R8 Car Case Study

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PROJECT CHARTER Step 1: - The aim on this project would be to demonstrate our ability to lead this project to success. In this case, we’ll need to manage our project task after task, because it’s a construction project. The order & processes of our actions will be important, and that’s on what we need to focus on. Apply the knowledge that we learnt, on a group project like this one. -We’ve chosen to build an Audi R8 car. The objective is to look as similar as the model that we have on the packaging. If the car looks the same, it’ll show that we’ll have well followed the instructions, & well managed this project. The use of this car can be multiple. From playing to decorating, this car can be usefull. To build this car, we’ll need glue…show more content…
As we said, it has to follow the instructions, what we’ve planned, and look the same as the picture on the packaging. This is one of the most important thing, if we follow this well, the project will be a success, but if something fail here, the project will be a failure because it won’t fit to the initial project. Critical path is an important part as well. Indeed we’ll need to respect the time that we fixed for each task, because if you spend more time working on a task, you’ll have to pay more, and our project will be delayed. We have to anticipate the cost & time of every action, even if we know that things can always change & it won’t go perfectly at 100% as we wanted at the beginning. Should have : As above for critical path tasks, non-critical past tasks will need to be respected. Compares to the critical one, you’ll be able to make this task with more flexibility, you and your employees. Nice to have : It’s important and a good thing to have good relations in your team between employees. This will help to manage the project well & let people be comfortable at working. People will be more able to have ideas, be productive, creative,…show more content…
The members can be a risk as well, because everyone can have some problems and have difficulties to make his tasks and delayed the project. For instance if he gets sick or injured during the time period of the project, the others members of the team might be unable to complete his tasks. The project can be a failure because of this, so we’ll need to anticipate as maximum as possible during the project to avoid that. - Authority might have been a problem, but because of the great team spirit of this team, we didn't faced problems to take decisions, etc… but time spent on decision making might have been longer than expected, and conflicts can still happened even if everything looks good. Communication problems: - Everyone in the team have some tasks to do, and it’s important to keep everyone updated about how all these tasks are going on. If we face difficulties or not, etc… If the communication fail, tasks can be delayed, not well done, and this whole thing can delayed the project or make it unsuccessful. - Ideas or tasks can be wrongly done if we don’t communicate well. Communication, brainstorming, will help us to avoid it. - Each team members is different, and I different point of view. It’s hard that the final goal would satisfy everyone at 100% in the team. Cost

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