National Forest Policy

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National Forest Policy (NFP) which formulated in 1978 and revised in 1992, is endorsed by National Land Council (NLC) has established Permanent Reserved Forests (PRF) (Tempatan, 2010) . The objectives of NFP is conserve and manage the nation’s forest based on the principles of sustainable management and to protect the environment as well as to conserve biological diversity, genetic resources, and to enhance research and education in Malaysia. According to this policy mangrove forests, both peat swamps and saltwater swamps are identified as permanent reserved forest (Tempatan, 2010). In the National Forest policy 1978, a lot of policies that have been taken into measure. One of them, permanent reserved forest have to be maintained…show more content…
However, it is accepted in 18984 (ROSLI, 2012). Under this act, Mangrove Forest Management is designed to protect and also conserve mangrove forests in Malaysia. It is also to maintain the benefits to the economics, environment and social and culture (ROSLI, 2012). One of the objectives of Mangrove Forest Management is for conservation and protection of its resource and environment to provide for the continuous existence of sufficient habitats for the proliferation of wildlife, the production of fisheries, recreation and eco-tourism, education, research and other bio-diversity conservation (ROSLI, 2012). Other than that, NFA has organized a management zoning for mangrove forests. It has started its reservation since early 1904. Management zoning will be conserving based on management goals and function roles of all forest areas. Besides, under NFA, it has been decided that the felling rotation will be fixed. NFA has implemented rotation length ranges from 20 – 40 years (ROSLI, 2012). Instead, current system adopts a rotation year of length 30…show more content…
Although compared to other mangrove inhabited regions, East Africa’s mangrove losses have been less drastic. However, the sparse distribution and stunted growth of East Africa’s mangrove is evidence of over-exploitation, particularly in Kenya. At the national level, under the Ministry of Environment, Water, and Natural Resources, Environmental Management and Coordination Act (EMCA), was established in 1999 (Haille N. Carter S. W., 2015). To carry out the mandates of EMCA, The National Environment Management Authority (NEMA) was instated as the sole regulatory authority (Haille N. Carter S. W., 2015). This act require the use of environmental impact assessments (EIAs) for any activities associated with wetlands, mangroves, and other sensitive coastal habitats (Haille N. Carter S. W., 2015). Other than that, Kenya also is implementing Forest Act which have been established in 2005 to manage their mangrove forests, to sustainably manage and conserve Kenya’s forest resources while alleviating poverty and reducing mangrove degradation (Haille N. Carter S. W.,

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