Napoleon In Animal Farm

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Hans 1 Parmeet Hans Mr.Forster English 2D The Rise of Napoleon A Leader is referred to a person who has positive goals in life. A leader can also be said a role model to others, an individual that is trustworthy, patient, communicates well with others, can make good decisions for everyone. Unfortunately there are leaders who betray their followers trust, lie, make it all about them, fail to communicate. Mr. Jones and Napoleon exhibited comparison traits as a tyrant leader would, they both had control,used others work to help themselves, Napoleon developed human characteristics like Jones. In the book Animal Farm Napoleon symbolizes Stalin. After he banished Snowball, Napoleon took advantage…show more content…
Jones used others work to satisfy themselves. Napoleon demanded that the hens would give up four hundred eggs a week to pay for grain and feed, however the food they got from the money was never really shared with the other animals except for the pigs. "Napoleon acted swiftly and ruthlessly. He ordered the hens' rations to be stopped, and decreed that any animal giving so much as a grain of corn to a hen should be punished by death."(76) The pig's also separated themselves by having special regulation "it was announced that from now onwards all barley would be reserved for the pigs. ... And the news soon leaked out that every pig was now receiving a ration of pint of a beer daily,with half a gallon for Napoleon himself, which was always served to him in the Crown Derby soup…show more content…
Napoleon abuses his honor by getting everything out of him, than selling him to the slaughterhouse to get the last bit of money out of him. After Boxer was executed they got the money from knacker and purchased a barrel of whiskey "On the day appointed for the banquet, a grocer's van drove up from Willingdon and delivered a large wooden crate at the farmhouse."(126) Also Napoleon used the preceding speeches of Squealer as a way to avoid animals being aggravated by the death of Boxer. another way napoleon made his life better was by changing the commandments they were supposed to live by, Napoleon broke his own commandment by drinking whisky. 6. “No animal shall kill any other”(25) Animal This law was broken twice in the book as we read, the first is when the fifth rule is changed from no animal shall drink alcohol to no animal shall drink alcohol to excess and who were to be disaplend by death'.if they drank This shows that napoleon would kill anyone if they drank alcohol even though he said he would not kill any animal. Later on in the book napoleon kills animals starting with the four pigs that claimed to be in contact with snowball.He then goes on and kills all the other animals that confess to any sort of crime they did. The reason Napoleon decided to kill the animals was because he wanted the other animals to fear him. Once he finished executing all the animals he changed the law from 'No animal shall kill any other
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