My Experience My Life In College

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Before coming to Harding I have admitted to GDUFS University in China. In one way that is the first time I experience the life in University. At High school , our teachers often tell us, if you enter college, everything will change, you will be liberated, there will be little homework, after class, you can do everything you want to do, and the teacher won't strict with you as us and you are free. I realized it is a truth after I take the one-semester course. Even though no one will care about me, I care myself. If you do not pass any course, you will be taking it once again, so I have to study hard to pass. From Monday to Friday, there are six or seven class have to take, if you not appear, the vice monitor will write down your name and tell the Student union. After class, there is huge homework like math, English, programming and so on .some teacher may ask us have a group discussion and make a Dubbing Contest. It makes me upset. There also have another thing to do. Many things can't solve immediately; I feel tired. The final exam will fully review for the test, so you can get good grades. So the university did not relax as I imagine, I feel I was cheated by the high school teacher. After entering college, the pressure suddenly decreases a lot. The thing that you can't do before you can do now. I join…show more content…
From Primary school to high school, all classmates is simply class and has no change, after a long time, after a long time, the student who is no familiar with each other gets to know each other slowly. But at college, it is different; all activity took part by a dormitory. Because for one class. each student may study different class, the time may not same, so mostly the student can't take class altogether, so each class may see the different student, also the classroom also change, This will cause a lack of understanding each other between classmates, and have the emotion is not
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